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Vol. 4 No. 2 (2009)
Vol. 4 No. 2 (2009)
Pedagogia Generale
Childhood and congenital haemorrhagic disorders. The teachers point of view through research data
Silvia Demozzi
PDF (Italiano)
Research on the quality of school life of children affected by congenital haemorrhagic disorders. A critical reading of the data and some pedagogical considerations.
Alessandra Gigli
PDF (Italiano)
Pedagogical supervision in professional training
Alessandro Zanchettin
PDF (Italiano)
Filosofia dell'Educazione
Contaminating through art. Aesthetics, new museums and the problem of the cultural diversity
Annamaria Contini
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The ethics of professionality in educational care: competence, knowledge and passion
Mariagrazia Contini
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The Pedagogy of the Gift between treatment and complessity
Maurizio Fabbri
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Pedagogia Interculturale, Sociale e della Cooperazione
Schools childhood and culture in Quebec. Intercultural Educational policies from the cultural to the civic paradigm
Letizia Caronia
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Drawing the sowing of corn- everyday tales of agricultural production in Mexico
Norma Georgina Gutiérrez Serrano
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PDF (Español (España))
The paradigm of métissage, between aesthetics and human sciences
Annamaria Contini
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Piazza Verdi, Bologna
Elena Rossini, Giuseppe Scandurra, Alessandro Tolomelli
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Didattica e Nuove Tecnologie
Experiments with a musical instrument. The continuator and young children aged between 3-5
Anna Rita Addessi
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University teaching in the prospective of Web 2.0. The Forum as a training environment
Manuela Fabbri
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allegato (Italiano)
Empowerment and new technologies. New challenges for the prevention and rehabilitation of addiction
Manuela Fabbri
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The Advertising of Toys. Considerations on the lack of values and contribution to gender inequality
Carmen Pereira Domínguez
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Adulthood and lifelong education: empowerment and planning
Antonella Gualandi
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Research Materials
Lettera ad un Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione. 7 critiche, pedagogicamente fondate, alla riforma della Scuola Primaria (Legge 169/2008)
Autori Vari
PDF (Italiano)
L’ambiente “Forum” come strumento di formazione universitaria. Una esperienza di cooperazione universitaria.
Manuela Fabbri
PDF (Italiano)
Intercultural education for citizenship in complex societies. Summary of the International Conference on Intercultural Education for citizenship.
Barbara Guidetti
PDF (Italiano)
I saperi pubblici della/sulla religione. A cura di Stefano Martelli (relazioni)
Which religious knowledge in the public school? From the European horizon to the Italy case
Flavio Pajer
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The Italian Muslim: these unknown? TV Coverage of Muslim immigration
Daniela Conte
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Peso o risorsa? I saperi della/sulla religione nella scuola e nell’Università
Stella Franchella, Stefano Martelli
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One Sky, hundred Heavens in the Classroom. Religious Practices, Signs and Symbols in Multicultural Education
Cristiana Ottaviano
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Youth religious education and catholic religion teaching
Alessandro Castegnaro
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The History of Religions: an italian way for the education for citizenship
Mariachiara Giorda
PDF (Italiano)
Islam and state school: opinions of Muslim parents in Piedmont
Renzo Guolo
PDF (Italiano)
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