Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education https://rpd.unibo.it/ <strong>Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica (RPD) – ISSN 1970-2221</strong> is an online open access international scientific journal dedicated to study and research on education. It uses a double-blind peer review process and publishes articles in Italian and English. The Journal takes an interdisciplinary and pluri-methodological approach. It offers a place of dialogue for researchers and professionals coming from diverse theoretical and empirical backgrounds, involved in the study of educational phenomena. Dipartimento di Scienze Dell’Educazione «Giovanni Maria Bertin» - Università di Bologna en-US Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education 1970-2221 <p>Copyrights and publishing rights of all the texts on this journal belong to the respective authors without restrictions.</p><p><a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/" rel="license"><img style="border-width: 0;" src="https://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc-nd/3.0/88x31.png" alt="Creative Commons License" /></a></p><p><br />This journal is licensed under a <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/" rel="license">Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License</a> (<a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/legalcode">full legal code</a>). <br /> See also our <a href="/about/editorialPolicies#openAccessPolicy">Open Access Policy</a>.</p> A comparative history of childhood: Current research perspectives https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/18141 <p>This set of reflections aims to indicate some possible paths, to be followed in the field of comparative education, which might contribute to defining the idea of childhood and to seeking the best form of educational care for children in the context of a European and world history of education.</p> <p>This new history, which also poses numerous methodological questions, has not yet been fully delineated in its development and its anthropological declinations: an attempt is made here, including through examples (which are in no way intended to be exhaustive, but only with the aim of clarifying the discourse), to give a glimpse of its possibilities in terms of epistemology, methodology and content.</p> Carla Callegari Copyright (c) 2024 Carla Callegari https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 1 11 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/18141 The prelude to the extreme: Adolescence and violence https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/18232 <p>The questions on the causes of violence in adolescence (self-directed and heterodirected) run through the sign of a deep unease (not only psychic but also formative and cultural), which concerns both pedagogical reflection and the educational work carried out in formal (school and family) and informal (places of aggregation and socialising activities among peers) venues. The ways in which adolescent aggression manifests itself can be manifold, even reaching those – apparently anonymous – forms of digital communication. Giovanni Maria Bertin was the first to realise the importance of Erich Fromm’s work on «human destructiveness», understanding the contrast inherent in the psyche (and in the formation of the young person) between two different tendencies: <em>biophilia</em> and <em>necrophilia</em>. On the recovery of this line of interpretation, Melanie Klein’s and Wilfred Bion’s insights into the development of the two functional psychic mechanisms, namely introjection and projective identification, are grafted in this essay and in a pedagogical direction.</p> Gianluca Giachery Copyright (c) 2024 Gianluca Giachery https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 13 27 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/18232 Beyond words: Thematic analysis in university teaching for meaningful education https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/18555 <p>Reflective action allows for the analysis of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, both of one’s own and of others, enabling a better understanding of motivations, perspectives, and relationships. This contribution is part of a larger research project aiming to emphasize the importance of reflexivity and the use of specific technologies to support reflective practice in educational contexts. To foster such processes, a ten-week educational activity was proposed and implemented, supported by a digital portfolio, involving 70 students. At the end of the educational journey, a focus group was conducted to identify and analyse the participants’ opinions and awareness. The interview transcription was then analysed using thematic analysis methodology, facilitated using specific software, revealing that the use of tools such as the e-portfolio effectively stimulates critical and analytical understanding of content, leading to increased self-awareness. Additionally, there is a strong indication of the perceived need by male and female students to create suitable spaces and times for reflection, especially in the academic training context, where the speed and abundance of information to be assimilated are often the norm.</p> Ludovica Fanni Giovanni Bonaiuti Copyright (c) 2024 Ludovica Fanni, Giovanni Bonaiuti https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 29 43 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/18555 Enhancing historical thinking in school. An integrated model (content, categories, skills) for identifying and assessing learning objectives https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/18575 <p>The question of history learning at school and its improvement has long been a subject of discussion, but it continues to present unresolved critical issues due to pupils’ difficulties in understanding this discipline, difficulties in defining clear and accountable learning objectives and the lack of adequate assessment systems. In line with international research, this article intends to show how it is possible to overcome these critical issues by identifying the development of historical thinking as the purpose of learning history, making explicit the dimensions of which it is composed and matching them with a taxonomy of learning objectives that can be translated into adequate assessment tests. The work presents an example of this process in the construction of a model test applied in the final year of primary school as part of an instructional intervention for progressive improvement of whose objectives the pupils were made aware.</p> Valentina Della Gala Antonio Calvani Copyright (c) 2024 Valentina Della Gala, Antonio Calvani https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 45 63 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/18575 Enhancing professional vocabulary acquisition through cognitive approaches in CLIL curricula https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/18828 <p>This study investigates the impact of cognitive strategies on professional vocabulary acquisition in CLIL curricula, employing a mixed-methods approach. Results from quantitative analysis, specifically an ANCOVA test, decisively reject the null hypothesis and reveal significant improvements in vocabulary proficiency due to targeted cognitive strategies. Thematic analysis of student feedback supports the efficacy of these strategies in creating interactive learning experiences. The Experimental Group (EG) consistently demonstrates enhanced vocabulary acquisition, particularly at advanced levels, while the Control Group (CG) shows stable proficiency with less progress. This divergence is attributed to the application of cognitive strategies by the EG. The study emphasises the importance of integrating cognitive strategies into CLIL curricula, highlighting customisation to address unique challenges. Future research should explore long-term effects on vocabulary retention, their applicability across diverse subjects, and effective methods for training educators to implement these strategies in various educational settings.</p> Valentyna Borshchovetska Tetiana Harbuza Alla Durdas Alla Nypadymka Yuliia Radchenko Oleh Zatserkovnyi Copyright (c) 2024 Valentyna Borshchovetska, Tetiana Harbuza, Alla Durdas, Alla Nypadymka, Yuliia Radchenko, Oleh Zatserkovnyi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 65 84 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/18828 Children’s rights and adults’ duties. Critical issues and future prospects https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/18794 <p>The essay aims at reconstructing today’s debate on children’s rights, highlighting how it has concrete epistemological repercussions on pedagogy itself, a knowledge called upon to historicise the prerogatives of children in their concrete environments of life, relationships and development, both formal and informal. In particular, the essay dwells on the critical elements that characterise contemporary society, with more and more rights but fewer and fewer children, and on the need for an integral ecology of the human being capable of ensuring full pedagogical sustainability for the culture of childhood. A new pedagogical vision, therefore, capable of rebalancing the protagonism of the child with the insurrogable function – of guidance, accompaniment and help – carried out by the adult.</p> Andrea Bobbio Copyright (c) 2024 Andrea Bobbio https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 85 92 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/18794 Adaptation of selected self-efficacy scales https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19242 <p>In the presented systematic review, I focus on adapted versions of two widely used self-efficacy scales in the world: the Norwegian Teachers Self-Efficacy Scale (NTSES) and the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale (TSES). Based on a thorough search in the Web of Science (WOS), I will attempt to answer the following research question: What adaptation and validation procedures did the authors of studies using NTSES and TSES instruments choose, and what were their outcomes? The aim of the article is to help other researchers who are contemplating which scale to adapt, how to proceed with adaptation, and how to verify its psychometric properties. The article covers a total of 16 studies from journals and conference proceedings indexed in Web of Science. Based on the results, it is essential to consider cultural adaptation of the scales and not solely focus on linguistic translation.</p> Martin Fico Copyright (c) 2024 Martin Fico https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 93 107 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19242 Why do I assess? Construction and validation of the Teachers’ Conceptions of Assessment scale (CoVI) https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19258 <p>The study outlines the construction and validation process of the Teacher’s Conceptions of Assessment scale (CoVI), designed to evaluate primary and secondary school teachers’ perceptions of student learning assessment purposes. The validation sample comprises 1,545 serving teachers nationwide. The CoVI scale, subjected to both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, demonstrates robust psychometric properties and encompasses the following dimensions: assessment as accountability (Acc), verification of learning outcomes (AoL), teaching and learning improvement (AfL), and self-regulation and sustainability of learning (AaL). The scale addresses a gap in available instruments in the field by focusing on the specificities of different assessment approaches, including AfL and sustainable assessment, which have been less empirically explored.</p> Irene Dora Maria Scierri Copyright (c) 2024 Irene Dora Maria Scierri https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 109 128 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19258 A world to be discovered. The voice of professionals on the affective-sexual dimension for people with intellectual disabilities https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19426 <p>The issue of affective and sexual relationships in intellectual disability (ID) has been hidden and even denied for a very long time. The research focuses on the point of view of professionals working in the field of ID. Through a qualitative-quantitative research design, the aim was, on the one hand, to understand whether sexuality and affectivity are topics that are addressed within the various structures through projects or courses, and, on the other hand, to give space to the representations, practices, and experiences of the professionals themselves. Data show an acknowledgement of the importance that people with ID can have sexual and affective experiences, but, at the same time, a gap in daily practices, which is attributed to three reasons: the lack of training; the idea that there are needs that are more important to work on; the difficulty of sharing ideas about this topic in the team.</p> Debora Aquario Elisabetta Ghedin Miriam De Martin Copyright (c) 2024 Debora Aquario, Elisabetta Ghedin, Miriam De Martin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 129 143 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19426 Assessment processes and digital devices: Aspects of distance learning https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19279 <p>The aim of the paper is to investigate the assessment practices implemented during the period of distance learning caused and “favoured” by the Covid-19 closure, which will start in March 2020. The empirical research is based on a quantitative approach, involving 1148 Italian teachers who responded to a battery of items, some of which focused on the assessment practices used in distance learning. The research shows a heterogeneous picture of assessment practices. The emergency context seems to be a generator of possible changes in teaching, provided that the assessment strategies, the design of learning tests and the feedback devices are strengthened by the awareness of the potential of digital environments and by the pedagogical intention to structure tests and coherent objectives.</p> Daniela Di Donato Cristiana De Santis Copyright (c) 2024 Daniela Di Donato, Cristiana De Santis https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 145 157 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19279 Learning styles and linguistic attitudes in students with Specific Learning Disorders in secondary schools https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19315 <p>This research investigates the challenges faced by students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) in studying Spanish as a Foreign Language, with a particular emphasis on their perceptions and perspectives. For this purpose, two questionnaires were administered to 76 secondary school students with SLDs in the province of Pesaro and Urbino. The first questionnaire<em>, CHAEA Junior</em>, identified the predominant learning style, while the second provided a detailed examination of the students’ attitudes towards studying Spanish. This analysis included an evaluation of the teaching techniques adopted by instructors, the effectiveness of the materials used, and the characteristics of the learning environment. The combined analysis of the collected quantitative data revealed the presence of elements perceived as non-inclusive, thereby prompting significant pedagogical reflections on teaching practices and the educational ecosystem as a whole.</p> Luca Clementi María Dolores Jiménez López Copyright (c) 2024 Luca Clementi, María Dolores Jiménez López https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 159 184 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19315 Book review: R. Sani, Unum ovile et unus pastor. La Compagnia di Gesù e l’esperienza missionaria di Padre Matteo Ricci in Cina tra reformatio Ecclesiae e inculturazione del Vangelo, Venezia, Marcium Press, 2023 https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19110 Franco Cambi Copyright (c) 2024 Franco Cambi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 185 186 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19110 Book review: Irene Biemmi, Barbara Mapelli, Pedagogia di genere. Educare ed educarsi a vivere in un mondo sessuato, Mondadori Education, 2023 https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19261 Simona Frabotta Copyright (c) 2024 Simona Frabotta https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 187 190 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19261 Book review: Massimo Mugnai, Come non insegnare la filosofia, Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano, 2023 https://rpd.unibo.it/article/view/19433 Manlio Antonio Forni Copyright (c) 2024 Manlio Antonio Forni https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0 2024-06-25 2024-06-25 19 1 191 193 10.6092/issn.1970-2221/19433