Psychoeducation in Quebec: An Overview of the Subject’s Adaptive and Therapeutic Process


  • Jonathan Bluteau
  • Catherine Arseneault
  • Jean-Yves Bégin
  • Jocelyne Pronovost



psychoeducation, adaptive and therapeutic process, psycho-social adaptation, utilizing


This is the last in a series of three articles on Quebec psychoeducation. While the first article introduced the historical and theoretical foundations of psychoeducation as a university discipline in Quebec, the second presented the Psychoeducative Intervention Method. This final article broaches the concept of psycho-social adaptation, with reference to the subject’s adaptive process as a result of having learned skills within the context of a shared psychoeducational experience. This third article also further examines the Utilizing of experiences for therapeutic purposes, a fundamental professional process in the field of psychoeducation. The aim herein is to consolidate the many concepts presented in the previous articles and facilitate the reader’s understanding of how they all come together and are activated by the psychoeducator in a treatment context by means of a highly-specialized therapeutic activity.


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Bégin, J.-Y., Bluteau, J., Arseneault, C. & Pronovost, J. (2012). Psychoeducation in Quebec : Past to Present. Ricerche di Pedagogia e Didattica – Journal of Theo-ries and Research in Education, 7(1), 1-16.

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How to Cite

Bluteau, J., Arseneault, C., Bégin, J.-Y., & Pronovost, J. (2012). Psychoeducation in Quebec: An Overview of the Subject’s Adaptive and Therapeutic Process. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 7(2), 49–63.



Society and Cultures in Education