Reading aloud in primary school: Analysis of the results of an action-research project through the tool of the logbook


  • Giulia Toti Perugia University
  • Vanessa Candela Perugia University
  • Eleonora Pera Perugia University
  • Federico Batini Perugia University



reading aloud, Reading: so Cool!, educational policy, primary school, logbook


The article presents a study on the perceptions of primary school teachers regarding the effects of reading aloud training conducted in their classrooms, thanks to the research-action project "Reading:so cool!" in the Region of Tuscany (Italy). The study involved 77 Tuscan municipalities, 121 Comprehensive Institution, 244 classes, for a total of 425 teachers. The teachers' perceptions were collected and analyzed thanks to a tool integrated in the method: the logbook, a semi-structured data collection tool, filled in daily and sent weekly by the teachers. The analysis of the diaries highlighted the positive impact of systematic reading aloud practice on primary school children (benefits on a cognitive, emotional, learning ability and well-being level) and the importance of monitoring the processes through a reflective-narrative tool.


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How to Cite

Toti, G., Candela, V., Pera, E., & Batini, F. (2023). Reading aloud in primary school: Analysis of the results of an action-research project through the tool of the logbook. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 18(1), 159–180.


