Multiple discrimination and the risk of cultural impoverishment. Considerations regarding the pedagogical challenges of the complex society


  • Irene Biemmi Università di Firenze
  • Emiliano Macinai Università di Firenze



children’s rights, racism, sexism, multiple discrimination, educational poverty


This paper presents an overview of some of the major themes addressed by the Multidisciplinary Course on Human Rights Education coordinated by the author for the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature, and Psychology - FORLILPSI) of the University of Florence in collaboration with the Italian Committee for UNICEF. The main thrust of the course and therefore of these notes was and is valorisation of children’s rights education as a resource for combating the various types of discrimination that underlie processes of exclusion and social marginalization and that increase risks of educational poverty and cultural deprivation. More in detail, we analyze that set of cultural practices, behaviours, and beliefs that generate sexist and racial prejudices and lead to systematic violation of the rights of social groups, which thus suffer processes of inferiorisation.


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How to Cite

Biemmi, I., & Macinai, E. (2021). Multiple discrimination and the risk of cultural impoverishment. Considerations regarding the pedagogical challenges of the complex society. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 16(1), 241–252.


