Effective Learning Experiences with UDL in teacher training at Universities
https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1970-2221/8483Parole chiave:
multi-modal communication, Person-Environment-Theory, professionalization, quality assurance in teacher trainingAbstract
Three categories of competencies are required living a successful life in a complex-functional society. The government pursues the implementation of these competence categories, defined by the OECD project group ‘Definition and Selection of Competencies’ (DeSeCo; OECD 2014), in the context of education policy management measures e.g. in framework guidelines or study programs for educational institutions, starting with kindergarten, through primary and secondary schools to universities. Introductorily the following article shows the understanding of the three competence categories to the educational sciences (1). Secondly, we outline the educational policy context given in Italy and Alto Adige using the prominent topic of inclusion as an example (2). Based on these, some more concrete initial points for professionalization of pedagogical specialists can be outlined (3). In a fourth step the development of the teaching program for the Master of Education in Primary Education at the Free University of Bolzano is given as an example how these elements could be incorporated in an academic teacher training (4). According to the discussion of results of actual teacher education research and university didactics hypotheses on the connections between supply quality and the subjective fit of the students' academic requirements and competences are expressed.Downloads
Come citare
Emili, E. A., Schumacher, S., & Stadler-Altmann, U. (2019). Effective Learning Experiences with UDL in teacher training at Universities. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 14(1), 165–191. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1970-2221/8483
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