Rapporti di Autovalutazione delle scuole emiliano-romagnole e analisi delle reti testuali


  • Massimo Marcuccio




decision making, network text analysis, school system governance, school self-evaluation, evaluation for improvement


From 2014, Italian schools are required to prepare a Self-evaluation report (SER) and implement an Improvement Plan (IP) that Regional Education Boards (REB) will support with their interventions. REBs, therefore, need information about SERs promptly to make decisions.

For this purpose, a network text analysis has been applied to the texts of the 636 SERs developed in Emilia-Romagna during the 2014/15 school year which contain priorities, aims and process goals that will guide the IP design. The computer analysis of textual sequences - carried out with the T-LAB software - and the development of network graphics - made with Gephi - allowed to identify some action lines of the schools that can be taken as knowledge elements in REB decision making.



How to Cite

Marcuccio, M. (2016). Rapporti di Autovalutazione delle scuole emiliano-romagnole e analisi delle reti testuali. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 11(3), 47–65. https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1970-2221/6445



Didactics: Theories, environments, and tools