Learning styles and linguistic attitudes in students with Specific Learning Disorders in secondary schools
Specific Learning Disorders, Spanish as a Foreign Language, learning style, linguistic attitudes, inclusive educationAbstract
This research investigates the challenges faced by students with Specific Learning Disorders (SLDs) in studying Spanish as a Foreign Language, with a particular emphasis on their perceptions and perspectives. For this purpose, two questionnaires were administered to 76 secondary school students with SLDs in the province of Pesaro and Urbino. The first questionnaire, CHAEA Junior, identified the predominant learning style, while the second provided a detailed examination of the students’ attitudes towards studying Spanish. This analysis included an evaluation of the teaching techniques adopted by instructors, the effectiveness of the materials used, and the characteristics of the learning environment. The combined analysis of the collected quantitative data revealed the presence of elements perceived as non-inclusive, thereby prompting significant pedagogical reflections on teaching practices and the educational ecosystem as a whole.
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