Computational thinking in Montessori primary school


  • Stefano Scippo Sapienza University of Rome
  • Fabio Ardolino IC San Nilo in Grottaferrata (RM)



Computational Thinking, innovation, Montessori, robotics, creativity


Here, we contribute to the debate on the relationship between Montessori’s pedagogy and new technologies. In this longitudinal study we used a mixed methodological approach, relying on structured evidence, field observations and notes. We show how in children, following the use of technological material aimed at developing computational thinking, in the five years of primary school in a Montessori class in Grottaferrata (RM), creativity and a sense of community have increased. The sense of community has consistently remained at a good level. The pervasiveness due to the error at a low level. Our evidence indicate how technological materials must respect the typical characteristics of Montessori development material to be integrated in school job: freedom of choice, error control, aesthetic attractiveness, autonomy of use, manual interactivity, possibility of collaborating with peers, repetition of the exercise, quantity limits are essential characteristics.


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How to Cite

Scippo, S., & Ardolino, F. (2021). Computational thinking in Montessori primary school. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 16(2), 59–76.