The Industrial Revolution. Landscapes of a divided nation. Un progetto didattico di ricerca-azione in rete per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado


  • Andrea Montanari



industrial revolution, landscapes of division, new technologies, WebQuest, cooperative learning, inquiry-oriented activity, ecology of learning


Among the activities a teacher may adopt in his syllabus, the WebQuest is one of the most effective in creating a good cooperative learning environment based on the constructivist approach. The WebQuest combines inquiry-based authentic material and performance-based tasks that require the use of Internet resources. This article presents a project of English culture for the secondary school developed as a long term WebQuest. After an introduction to the WebQuest learning environment, the article describes step by step the making of the project on the English Industrial Revolution: from the outline and the student group forming, to its final realization and evaluation. A link to read online the five PowerPoints realized by the students is included.



How to Cite

Montanari, A. (2013). The Industrial Revolution. Landscapes of a divided nation. Un progetto didattico di ricerca-azione in rete per la scuola secondaria di secondo grado. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 8(1), 93–120.



Didactics: Theories, environments, and tools