Gender discrimination and good practices to combat it in Academia: The results of an exploratory research conducted in three Italian universities within the framework of the European project FREASCO
gender discrimination, sexual harassment, sexism, gender differences, tertiary educationAbstract
The article presents the results of a survey conducted within the framework of the European project FREASCO, Free from sexism and sexual harassment at school (EU Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme) which involved seven research institutes located in four European countries (Italy, Estonia, France and Greece) and of which the Department of Education, Languages, Interculture, Literature and Psychology of the University of Florence is the lead partner. The project aimed to facilitate the early detection and reporting of incidents of discrimination (such as sexism and sexual harassment) that may occur within school and university contexts. In this paper, we focus on the results of the exploratory research conducted through focus groups with researchers, teaching and technical-administrative staff, scholarship holders, research fellows and PhD students from three Italian universities who were involved in capacity building activities.
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