Reading shreds beyond pandemic. A critical-reflective analysis of reading in the digital era


  • Paolo Bonafede Università di Trento



media education, philosophy of education, reading, bi-literacy, school


In recent years, with the temporal distortions produced by the pandemic, distance learning has emerged as an emerging, temporary and partial solution, thanks to new technologies. In the digital era, the relationship between learning and technological devices is worthy of investigation. Studies on changes in cognitive processes (reading and memory) deriving in part from the habit of persistent use of ICT raise questions about the school of the future.
In this paper, we want to explore the role that deep reading takes on in the hyper-accelerated context of digital contemporaneity, in which reading has been fragmented. Starting from philosophical references (Braidotti, Floridi, Stiegler), the contribution intends to expand theoretically Maryanne Wolf's proposal on the need for bi-literacy (alphabetic and digital) as a key to today's education.


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How to Cite

Bonafede, P. (2023). Reading shreds beyond pandemic. A critical-reflective analysis of reading in the digital era. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 18(1), 45–56.


