Being better together through an inclusive and collaborative approach. Transversal effects of a linguistic education project on 5th and 8th-grade classes
primary and middle school, group well-being and cohesion, social network analysis, self-perception, monolinguals and multilingualsAbstract
This study compared 7 experimental classes (five 5th grade and two 8th grade) with 6 control classes (four 5th grade and two 8th grade) on group well-being and cohesion. The experimental classes followed a linguistic education project which, among its transversal objectives, includes the creation of a positive and inclusive class climate; the control classes followed normal programming. The analysis took place through a self-perception questionnaire, to investigate individual thinking, and a sociometric questionnaire, to investigate the objective relational framework of each class through Social Network Analysis. The groups were compared both entirely and separated into monolingual and multilingual pupils. The results suggest that the Project's methodology is a good starting point for building a peaceful and inclusive environment and for reducing inequalities between pupils.
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