Therapeutic filmmaking and Autistic Spectrum Dysorder. A case study
autism spectrum disorders, therapeutic filmmaking, social skills, peers, adolescenceAbstract
Therapeutic filmmaking is a tool useful in the educational and therapeutic sphere to increase and develop social and relational skills among children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Recent researches show the effectiveness of audiovisual tools and of arts therapies in managing dysfunctional behaviors in this category of people, especially when peers are involved. The case discussed in this article is part of an experimental project which aims to promote the support of minors with ASD through audiovisual tools. We will illustrate the use of therapeutic filmmaking in a couple of ASD adolescents and their main behavioral changes in order to promote new types of intervention not only based on changing dysfunctional behaviors but also on the identity development and on the strengths of the minor with ASD, through creativity and peers' relationships
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