La partecipazione attiva dei giovani. Oltre gli strumenti, per un modello pedagogicamente fondato
The focus of "active participation of young people" is an emerging issue into Italian scientific debate. This essay proposes a critical analysis of theories and models of "active participation of young people", starting from the case study of a training process promoted by the Province of Bologna and in which had participated social workers and local stakeholders. The idea which has guided this analysis, is that often using tools for participation are not considered methodological issues related to a pedagogical framework of reference. The article focuses on setting guidelines for policies and actions of the active participation of young people. The contents are specifically focused on chosen skills about methods and technologies available, to determine professional competence for operators and assessment process regarding active participation.Downloads
Come citare
Tolomelli, A. (2011). La partecipazione attiva dei giovani. Oltre gli strumenti, per un modello pedagogicamente fondato. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 6(1).
Teorie, modelli e contesti in educazione
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