Control and assessment in the education quality assurance system in Russia
This article focuses on dealing with the following tasks: is there any difference between the institute of control and the institute of assessment in the system of education quality assurance? Which of the two impacts the quality of higher education more? How do control and assessment coexist in the Russian educational system? What are the prospects for the development of the education quality assurance system in the Russian Federation? The article consists of three parts. The first part presents a brief comparative outline of control and assessment as the institutes of the education quality assurance system, the second one, based on the essence of different methodological ap-proaches to quality (norm-oriented and value-oriented approaches), sets out the current types of assessment and control in Russian education; the third part describes possible ways of developing the education quality assurance system in Russia against the background of its integration into the European educational system.Downloads
Come citare
Yagudina, L. (2011). Control and assessment in the education quality assurance system in Russia. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 6(1).
Teorie, modelli e contesti in educazione
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