From novice to tech savvy teachers. A Report of Faculty Members’ Teaching with Technology Experiences


  • Jennie M. Hwang
  • Lorraine D. Jackson


Parole chiave:

technology, teaching, e-learning, motivation, hybrid hourse


This study explores faculty motivations to adopt technologies for their courses, their current uses of technologies and perceptions of teaching with technologies, as well as their suggestions for how their institutions can best support them. In particular, this investigation compares novice and tech savvy teachers by looking at differences in the technologies they use, how they integrate these technologies in their courses, and the challenges they experience in doing so.

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Come citare

Hwang, J. M., & Jackson, L. D. (2011). From novice to tech savvy teachers. A Report of Faculty Members’ Teaching with Technology Experiences. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 6(1).



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