Education to Dialogue – Part II. Debate tournaments between argumentation, adversarial confrontation and dialectical competition. A proposal based the experience of WordGames and WortBewerb in the province of Trento
Education to Dialogue, logic, argumentation, debate, cooperative learningAbstract
This paper is the IInd part of two separate, yet connected works: its core-theme is the proposal of debate tournaments as a tool for Education to Dialogue in schools. The goal of this 2nd part of the elaboration is to focus on the conceptual premises that have been developed to sustain, in the Province of Trento, the proposal of two Debate Tournaments - WordGames (in English) and WortBewerb (in German) - in which the typical features of debates are matched with the challenge of performing those tournaments in a foreign language. The writing further elaborates a few considerations about the main characters of a training path that has been specifically designed for these projects, with the aim of combining logic, rhetoric and language competences.
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