Il filosofo nella plazuela. Gli albori della pedagogía social di José Ortega y Gasset


  • Emiliano Macinai



José Ortega y Gasset, social pedagogy, philosophy, educational commitment, problematismo, perspectivismo


A reconstruction of José Ortega y Gasset’s thought processes is proposed in this paper. Specific attention is given to the genesis both of the militant concept of the philosophy of life, and of the pedagogic role of Ortega in the historico-social context to which he belongs. Thus, this analysis focuses on the principal works of the author during his early period. The aim is to have the author’s continuity in thought and attitude emerge since these also characterise his writings and commitment in the following years. This reconstruction is based on: Ortega’s complete works as published, in part posthumously, in Revista de Occidente in the period 1932-1983; and a selection of critical studies which appeared from the 1950s to the present which support the relevance of the interpretation proposed here.



How to Cite

Macinai, E. (2014). Il filosofo nella plazuela. Gli albori della pedagogía social di José Ortega y Gasset. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 9(3), 101–112.



History, stories and narrative in education