The “Mauro Laeng" historical museum of education – “Roma Tre” University, Italy
The crucial features of the museum can be identified using the following coordinates: the ideal and real link with Italian history, the contextuality with the University "Roma Tre" and the relations with the local territory. An institution established with the aim of promoting the cultural growth of primary school teachers in United Italy, it now targets a broader audience and has become a place of educational memory, maintaining a key role in university training of all teachers and in historical and scientific research. The links with the social fabric of the territory are also documented by the materials and studies concerning literacy experiences in middle Italy last century.Downloads
How to Cite
Covato, C. (2010). The “Mauro Laeng" historical museum of education – “Roma Tre” University, Italy. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 5(2).
FOCUS: Museo dell'educazione - A cura di Milena Manini
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