Beyond words: Thematic analysis in university teaching for meaningful education


  • Ludovica Fanni Università degli Studi di Cagliari
  • Giovanni Bonaiuti Università degli Studi di Cagliari



thematic analysis, e-portfolio, higher education, reflexivity


Reflective action allows for the analysis of thoughts, feelings, and behaviours, both of one’s own and of others, enabling a better understanding of motivations, perspectives, and relationships. This contribution is part of a larger research project aiming to emphasize the importance of reflexivity and the use of specific technologies to support reflective practice in educational contexts. To foster such processes, a ten-week educational activity was proposed and implemented, supported by a digital portfolio, involving 70 students. At the end of the educational journey, a focus group was conducted to identify and analyse the participants’ opinions and awareness. The interview transcription was then analysed using thematic analysis methodology, facilitated using specific software, revealing that the use of tools such as the e-portfolio effectively stimulates critical and analytical understanding of content, leading to increased self-awareness. Additionally, there is a strong indication of the perceived need by male and female students to create suitable spaces and times for reflection, especially in the academic training context, where the speed and abundance of information to be assimilated are often the norm.


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How to Cite

Fanni, L., & Bonaiuti, G. (2024). Beyond words: Thematic analysis in university teaching for meaningful education. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 19(1), 29–43.


