Families’ Recreational World. A contribution to understand the quality of the relationship between children and parents
The present article is divided in two sections. A first part deals with indicators en-dorsing the assumption that the traditional Italian family is not disappearing but evolving by radically changing and diversifying its models. By drawing to official statistics - in particular the Istat ones dealing with personal data and the survey one related to daily aspects of Italian families lives - various indicators are used. The second part of the article focalizes on the child-parent relationship. The qua-lity of such a relationship is surveyed through the analysis of the frequency and type of play and recreational activities within Italian families having children aged 3 to 6. The data we used were collected in the 2008 survey on the Aspects of Italian families daily life. The results of the analyses clearly point out two factors fo-stering a diversified presence of the parents in the interaction process with the child: age and social class. In relation to this last point, already in the past few studies (Kohn 1959; Mckinley 1964) underlined the link between educational practi-ces, socialization processes and social class providing an important contribution for understanding how parenthood does not depend upon personal idiosyncrasies among the parents but, rather, upon elements both linked on family climate, values, ideologies and culture to which they are connected to (Ricucci e Torrioni 2004).Downloads
How to Cite
Martini, E. (2010). Families’ Recreational World. A contribution to understand the quality of the relationship between children and parents. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 5(1). https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1970-2221/1766
INFANZIE E FAMIGLIE: un anno di ricerca del Dip. di Scienze dell'educazione
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