The potential problem to explore metacognitive regulation in collaborative problem-solving
Collaborative problem-solving, metacognition, metacognitive regulation, research instrumentsAbstract
Metacognitive regulation is an important ability for undergraduate students to have in solving collaborative problems. However, before carrying out research on exploring metacognitive regulation in collaborative problem-solving, the development of suitable instruments must be carried out. The right instrument will produce the correct data. In this study, two instruments were developed, which are tasks containing mathematical problems and task-based interview guidelines. In addition, this study also identified appropriate problem criteria used to explore metacognitive regulation in collaborative problem-solving. The results showed that the problems that can trigger metacognitive regulation in collaborative problem-solving fulfil the following criteria: problems to prove, non-routine problems, open-ended problems, geometric problems, and without DGE. The use of semi-structured interview guidelines can also help deepen students' exploration of metacognitive regulation in collaborative problem-solving. The findings of this study are especially important for researchers who will develop instruments to examine metacognitive regulation, especially in collaborative problem-solving.
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