The role of intergenerational issues in post-pandemic programs for older adults: Between cross-regional digitization and local networking
older adult education, program planning, digitization, intergenerationality, professional actionAbstract
This paper presents the results of an expert interview study with planning staff in several types of education providers that cater for older adults, such as senior citizen and adult education centers. The study includes 12 qualitative expert interviews conducted from 2021 to 2022, which were analysed using content analysis. The paper shows that the planners anticipate the pandemic will have serious and long-term consequences for their target groups. Four strategies were found: continuous innovation, cautious observation of the current situation, hope for a return to the old ways, and structural innovation. These are ordered along two dimensions (knowledge provision vs. encounter; paralysis vs. innovation). At first glance, intergenerational concepts seem to be pushed into the background. On closer inspection, however, it turns out that, for some planners, future considerations are strongly geared towards structurally anchoring forms of intergenerational encounter.
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