Developing competencies to cope with transitions in later life. Particularities of learning offers for older adults
transition, later life, competences, skills, learningAbstract
Beyond the transition to retirement, research rarely focuses on transitions in later life. This may be due to the absence of appropriate theoretical models. In order to remedy this, the article contains a theory-based reflection with the aim to work out aspects of educational offers for older people. It links the knowledge about ‘transitions in later life’, ‘skills and competencies’ to concepts of learning in later life. The systematic approach is based on a detailed review of the state of the art of the different concepts in the field of educational science and related academic disciplines. The analysis identifies the crucial aspects of different learning situations which help develop relevant competencies and skills useful for coping with transitions. Based on these reflections we derive some relevant features for programs to help develop older adults’ abilities to cope with transitions.
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