“Villa Salus” and Quartiere Savena. The scholastic and social integration of a group of young foreigners in the Bologna area.


  • Giuseppe Scandurra
  • Fulvia Antonelli




The stories brought together in this work refer to a group of Rom. They were the subject of research carried out between march 2006 and July 2007 at Villa Salus, in the Savenna neighbourhood of Bologna, where 146 Romanian citizens lived with their families from the winter of 2005 onwards.The stories collected from a group of young Romanians , living at Villa Salus were compared with the ideas and opinions of a workgroup of teachers from the local educational service who reflected openly with us on the presence of foreign pupils in local schools. It was only by comparing the expectations and needs of the pupils (the majority being young Romanians from Villa Salus) on one hand with those of the teachers that we could approach the evocative concept of a “multicultural school”

How to Cite

Scandurra, G., & Antonelli, F. (2008). “Villa Salus” and Quartiere Savena. The scholastic and social integration of a group of young foreigners in the Bologna area. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.6092/issn.1970-2221/1533



Pedagogia Interculturale, Sociale e della Cooperazione