From the theory of Pedagogical Problematism to contemporary teaching applications: the case of real learning experiences in teacher training
pedagogical model, professional vision, didactic, Problematicism, teachersAbstract
The professional vision of today’s educator must be strongly anchored in accredited pedagogical models. Dewey’s activism has already proposed a model of education adhering to contextual reality while mediated using technology; this model is embodied in the didactic practice of the workshop, as a natural evolution of pragmatism. The purpose of this contribution is to associate the reflection on the professionalism of the educator with these two theoretical models, both fundamental in the panorama of pedagogical studies, and provide evidence-based operational teaching proposals. In particular, a survey was carried out with school teachers of all levels in order to assess the impact of online teaching on the stress and motivation of teachers. The methodology used was correlational research, and the survey was conducted through the administration of three different scales (Online teaching learning, Perceived stress scale, The teacher motivation scale) to a total sample of 1400 teachers.
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