Rethinking Individual Formation Through a Critical-Problematicist Rereading of Irony


  • Chiara Carletti University of Florence



formation, education, complexity, Problematicism, irony


Our society is called on to face challenges of planetary scope that are inevitably redefining the role of education, which has to reconsider the traditional model of anthropos in light of a conception of existence meant as project and Bildung. To this end, the categories of Problematicism, such as difference, the possible and the utopian, can be useful if reread through irony. This enables us to become aware of social conditionings and take that leap in quality that is indispensable for prompting change and giving sense and direction to our existence. Each subject will thus find him or herself wearing new lenses through which to observe and interpret the world, offering a glimpse of new places of the possible. This implies a change of perspective. As such, irony is an important pedagogical device whose potential can be grasped through critical and problematicist rethinking.


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How to Cite

Carletti, C. (2022). Rethinking Individual Formation Through a Critical-Problematicist Rereading of Irony. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 17(2), 95–107.