From the analysis of support teachers training needs to the creation of effective training courses. Reflections from an exploratory survey


  • Valentina Pennazio Università di Genova
  • Franco Bochicchio Università di Genova



Training needs, support teachers, university practices, active teaching methodologies


The paper presents a reflection on the training needs of teachers who attend the specialization course for support activities. As adults in training, these teachers need to acquire theoretical and practical competences through teaching methods that cannot be compared to those generally used with university students. Starting from the data extrapolated from research conducted in the University of Genoa (a.y. 2013/2014) and in the University of Macerata (a.y. 2016/2017) the paper provides an overview of emerging needs and teaching methods that can be used in university training practices aimed at professional adults.


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How to Cite

Pennazio, V., & Bochicchio, F. (2021). From the analysis of support teachers training needs to the creation of effective training courses. Reflections from an exploratory survey. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 16(1), 1–20.


