Growing up is crossing boundaries. The example of the French picturebook Devine qui fait quoi by Gerda Müller
Lived-in space, geographer-book, iconotext, spatiality, picturebookAbstract
The fundamental notion of “spatial turn” which was coined by the geographers Edward Soja (1996) and Jacques Lévy (1999) is part of the relevant questions on living space: How is man in the space which surrounds him? What interactions exist between the individual and his living space? Responses to these questions can be found in a French picturebook published in 1999 by l’Ecole des Loisirs, Devine qui fait quoi. Une promenade invisible [Guess who does what? An invisible walk] by Gerda Müller. This paper has two aims. The first aim is to demonstrate that Devine qui fait quoi is a “geographer-picturebook”, expressing and participating in the construction of a child’s lived-in space. The second aim is to show that a “geographer-book” like Devine qui fait quoi can be read in a kindergarten to explore, to structure and to organize space with 5 year-old children.Downloads
How to Cite
Meunier, C. (2019). Growing up is crossing boundaries. The example of the French picturebook Devine qui fait quoi by Gerda Müller. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 14(2), 87–115.
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