Psychoeducation in Quebec: A Psychoeducational Interven-tion Method
psychoeducation, intervention method, professional processes, structural psychoeducative modelAbstract
This article is the second of three written on the topic of Quebec psychoeducation. The first article introduces the historical and theoretical foundations of psychoeducation, while the purpose of this second article is to present the models and methodology behind psychoeducational practice. Psychoeducative care and treatment as a specialized form of intervention which, in order to help a person struggling with social adjustment disorders. To reach such goals, the psychoeducator adopts the principles of the Psychoeducational Intervention Method to create a re-education program. The Psychoeducational Intervention Method is comprised of eight Professional Processes adopted by all psychoeducators and used in conjunction with the Structural Psychoeducative Model. The eight processes and model shall later be described in detail and illustrated by means of a concrete example that shows how psychoeducative intervention is programmed.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Catherine Arseneault, Jean-Yves Bégin, Jonathan Bluteau, Jocelyne Pronovost
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