The right to education: a democratic idea which is taking shape. Changes/innovations from the 2007 Budget.


  • Antonella Gualandi



Instruction in Italy has been characterised by an inadequate, under-funded education system which is far from being able to meet the objectives set out by the Lisbon Summit. The aim is to create quality schooling providing a positive experience in personal and social development and not an ignominious failure for young people; those future adults and citizens of the world. With the view to promoting a reform of the education system whilst at the same time doing something about the curse of drop out rates the 2007 budget and successive legislation for education introduce important changes that will be carried out in an experimental two year period starting with the 2007/8 academic year. The length of compulsory education has been raised by two years in secondary schools and professional training, with three year courses in professional training and entry into the workplace at 16 years old. The qualitative, innovative and experimental value of experience in the field will open up new opportunities for the Italian regional administration and local bodies, and will form the starting point for the reform in the 2009/10 academic year. In this context the experience in Emilia Romagna in terms of innovation, know-how and positive practices is particular significant as the regional education system as it is considered one of the most advanced in our country (for example there is a 6% drop out rate as opposed to 20-22% on a national level. Following the regional law (N12/2003) for performance in compulsory education in particular, the Emilia Romagna region has acquired a rich patrimony for education and training from its experimental ground work and methodological and didactic innovation. This represents a precious resource (perhaps unique in Italy) to be developed, expanded and capitalised on, towards the challenge of making a success of the reform of the “planet education” in our country.

How to Cite

Gualandi, A. (2008). The right to education: a democratic idea which is taking shape. Changes/innovations from the 2007 Budget. Ricerche Di Pedagogia E Didattica. Journal of Theories and Research in Education, 3(1).



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